Latest Changes of UltraSearch

What new features are planned for the near future? Your opinion counts. Be part of the decision team and vote here for new features.

バージョン 4.3

New functions

  • UltraSearch can now also search SharePoint Online. To do this, UltraSearch must first be registered as an application with your SharePoint.

    • To use the SharePoint search, the system administrator can pass the path to SharePoint Online to the setup using the command line parameter /SharepointDefault.

    • To use the SharePoint search with multi-factor authentication (MFA), the system administrator can transfer the application ID and the redirect URI to the setup using the command line parameter /AADApplicationID /AADRedirectURI.

  • Search for whole words in file content: When searching for file content, quotation marks can now be used to search for whole words.

  • When searching for file contents, in addition to the AND and OR operators, brackets can now also be used in the same way as when searching for file names in order to be able to search even more precisely. For example, entering license AND (2023 OR 2024) will find all documents containing the words "license " and "2023" or "license " and "2024".

  • Regular expressions can now also be used to search for file contents, as was already supported for file names and paths. This function is aimed at experienced users. The syntax of regular expressions is described in the Help of UltraSearch.


  • The preview for .SVG and .MKV files has been improved.

  • The dialog for selecting a search path has been completely revised and is now easier to use.

  • The color highlighting in the search results has been improved when using file group filters.

Bug fixes

  • The size and positioning within the status bar has been improved.

  • Problems with the preview of audio and video files have been fixed.

  • The notification in the taskbar after completing a search showed an incorrect number of files found in some cases. This problem has been fixed.

  • A possible error when previewing text files has been fixed.

  • Too many drives were incorrectly displayed in the drive bar when UltraSearch was started. This problem has been fixed.

  • Renaming a file in the results list with a second click now works correctly again.

  • A bug has been fixed that caused files on OneDrive that were not available offline to be downloaded automatically when the preview was displayed.

  • Fixed a bug in the file preview where umlauts were not displayed correctly.

  • To avoid a possible freeze of UltraSearch when displaying the preview, Microsoft Edge is now used to preview PDF files under certain circumstances.

  • A problem when searching for file extensions ending with a tilde has been fixed.

  • Minor errors when searching for whole words in the file name have been fixed.
